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2023 Small Business Editor's Choice Award Winner!
VH07V was recently named as one of just 12 local companies to win the Hawaii Business Magazine, 2023 Small Business Editor’s Choice Awards for ingenuity, grit, service, perseverance or all of the above. Pick up your copy on newsstands out now or read the full feature in the link below! Aloha Revolution Turns a Small Online Store into a Major Shirt Brand (May 5, 2023, Chavonnie Ramos)
VH07V's Edward Sugimoto interviewed on the Hawaiiverse Podcast!
Hisessions Hawaii Podcast Episode #124 - Ed Sugimoto "Aloha Revolution"
Had the honor of being interviewed by the guys from HiSessions to talk about the humble beginnings of our clothing line, the meaning behind VH07V, and staffing shortages, among other topics. Big mahalo to hosts Jon Yamasato, Kyle Shimabukuro and Devon Nekoba!
New Clothing Line Promotes Aloha (MidWeek)
Today, VH07V was blessed to be featured in this week's Midweek. It was a piece written by Alana Folen, for her Entrepreneurs column. Read it below.VH07V isn't some new mathematical formula. If you look closely, it's ALOHA written upside down (kind of), and it's also the name of a Hawaii lifestyle clothing line founded by local boy Edward Sugimoto. VH07V was founded earlier this year with the purpose of reminding everyone to live aloha."Anybody who has any association with Hawaii knows the concept of aloha, but sometimes, we forget. When you wear a VH07V shirt, it goes right over your...
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